At the Australian Labor Party’s Special Platform Conference March 30th and 31st 2021 the following resolution was passed
Labor believes that the Australian government should be doing everything necessary to ensure that Mr Julian Assange is treated fairly and humanely, and welcomes the priority given to the health and welfare of Mr Assange in the UK Court’s decision. This includes ensuring that under no circumstances should Mr Assange—or any Australian—face the death penalty.
The UK Court has found that Mr Assange should not be extradited to the USA given his ill-health, and Labor believes it is now time for this long drawn out case against Julian Assange to be brought to an end.
For the party this is the culmination of many efforts
23rd October 2019: the formation of the cross party ‘Bring Julian Assange Home Parliamentary Group‘ with Labor members Mr Julian Hill MP, Mr Steve Georganas MP, Ms Susan Templeman MP, Ms Maria Vamvakinou MP, Mr Josh Wilson MP and Mr Tony Zappia MP
23rd February 2021: Leader of the Opposition Hon Anthony Albanese MP now famous “Enough is enough” exclamation honouring Julian’s long term suffering
30th – 31st March 2021: Grass Roots acceptance by the Party
12th April 2021: Public announcement by Julian Hill on Consortium News “2 Yrs After Arrest: ‘Lawmakers for Assange’; Exclusive: Labor Party Resolution of Support”
On the 14th April 2021 Oscar Grenfell offered a strongly worded opinion in the World social Alliance Web site “Australian Labor Party conference passes mealy-mouthed motion ‘defending’ Assange“, writing
Its function was to formalise Labor’s refusal to take any concrete action in defence of the persecuted Australian citizen and journalist, while providing a sop to his supporters based on a few weasel-words of concern.
While the editors of this web site feel the injustices suffered by Julian may warrant a stronger resolution we feel that the strategy of separating judgement of Julian’s actions from his treatment by the Governments and agencies of Sweden, United Kingdom and United States is tactically and morally superior.
While Julian’s life and health is threatened best if he with his family and friends and can manage his own medical treatment with his own doctors
When in court Julians is being treated as if already guilty; chained and man handled by prison guards, unable to follow proceedings behind a glass box and distanced from his legal team both by court topography and by prison authorities. Better to be able to present to the world as the acclaimed publisher he is, dressed to his choosing, talking to whom he sees fit when he sees fit and sitting his proudly with his legal team.
The publisher’s of this site agree we desperately need to address all the issues around

but the Government sponsored torture must be removed as a priority
The Consortium News video where Julian Hill brings up the Labor’s resolution
Lawmakers for Assange | Australia
With Julian Hill MP, Senator Peter Whish-Wilson, former Senator Scott Ludlam, Andrew Wilkie MP & George Christensen MP
Founded in October 2019, the Australian ‘Bring Assange Home’ group of politicians consisted of two Nationals MPs, two Labor MPs and a number of Greens and cross benchers.
Since then, politicians around the world have been gathering to voice bipartisan support for the Australian journalist, notably in Germany, Switzerland, the European Parliament and the UK. Parliamentary support is also strong across Latin America, particularly among the left.