Italy asks for protection for Julian Assange

On the 15th June 2021, the Italian publication Antimafia Duemila reports (Google translations)

“The man who has languished for too long in a British prison today has contributed to raising the awareness of large layers of world public opinion regarding governments, men of power, large lobbies, networks of relations and events, far beyond the official narrative” . This was declared in the Chamber by Pino Cabras, deputy of the parliamentary component L’Alternativa exists, illustrating a motion that he first signed to recognize the status of political refugee to Julian Assange . “His Wikileaks – he added –it has allowed contemporary democracy to overcome and show the limits of traditional journalism. Letting Assange be subjected to his harsh prison conditions is the definitive attack on investigative journalism, as well as on his person, in a world that sees the levers of information in fewer and fewer hands. Having courageous information, on the other hand, helps parliaments to correct the opaque behavior of various governments “. For the deputy, ” our motion is simple and commits the Government to do everything in compliance with the Conventions to guarantee Julian’s protection and safety. Assangeby the British authorities and to prevent his extradition, to grant him the status of political refugee and international protection, by virtue of the recognized and accepted international provisions on the right of asylum. It will be a contribution to freedom able to find the right diplomatic paths without dying of too much prudence . 

Read original article in AntiMafia Duemila

Parliamentary Protest 1st July 2021

Today the Chamber humiliated parliamentary democracy and #LAlternativaCE by covering up the discussion on the transparency of the #whistleblowers to which #Assange made available #wikileaks, which allowed to publish documents proving the lies of the states. #FreeAssange