On the 10th August 2022, Lisa Beaumont posted this observation on a Campaign mail list
Senator Penny Wong
Joint statement on UK decision to extradite Julian Assange
with: The Hon Mark Dreyfus QC MP
17 June 2022
The Australian Government notes the decision of the United Kingdom Home Secretary to extradite Julian Assange to the United States.
We also note that Mr Assange has several avenues through which he can appeal this decision.
The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade will continue to offer consular assistance to Mr Assange, noting that Australia is not a party to Mr Assange’s case, nor can the Australian government intervene in the legal matters of another country.
We will continue to convey our expectations that Mr Assange is entitled to due process, humane and fair treatment, access to proper medical care, and access to his legal team.
The Australian Government has been clear in our view that Mr Assange’s case has dragged on for too long and that it should be brought to a close.
We will continue to express this view to the governments of the United Kingdom and United States.
Senator Marise Payne
Statement on Sentencing of Alexei Navalny
03 February 2021
Australia is deeply concerned by Russian authorities’ arrest and subsequent sentencing of Alexei Navalny to two years and eight months’ imprisonment. The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) concluded that Mr Navalny’s 2014 conviction, which was used as grounds for his current detention, was “unlawful” and “politically motivated”. We call for Mr Navalny’s immediate and unconditional release.
Australia is also concerned by the approach of Russian authorities against peaceful protesters and journalists detained in recent weeks. We call for their release without delay. Australia supports all peoples’ right to freedom of expression and peaceful assembly.
We reaffirm a call for Russia to conduct a thorough and transparent investigation into Alexei Navalny’s poisoning using the banned Novichok nerve agent last August.
Nils Melzer
The Trial of Julian Assange
First Published 8th Februray 2022
Page 106 On Political Persecution
Official arbitrariness almost always constitutes a central element in political persecution and related ill-treatment