Assange extradition ruling due January 4th

On the 26th December, Al Burke posted

Profound implications for individuals and societies everywhere

Nine days from now, on 4 January 2021, a corrupt and malicious British judge is expected to deliver her ruling on whether or not a corrupt and malicious British government may be permitted to deliver Julian Assange into the hands of a corrupt and malicious U.S. government. 

Anyone who regards that as a matter of little or no importance may perhaps be forgiven — given that, with relatively few exceptions, it has been systematically ignored and/or misrepresented for over a decade by leading political and journalistic actors. In so doing, they have grossly violated their essential democratic functions with, among other things, an unprecedented smear campaign and abuse of judicial power concentrated on a single human being. 

In fact, however, the case has profound implications for individuals and societies everywhere. 

With good reason, the persecution of Julian Assange has been called the Dreyfus affair of our time — although that is probably an understatement. Among the issues at stake:  

  • freedom of the press
  • freedom of speech in general
  • the viability of civil and legal rights
  • abuse of judicial and governmental powers
  • accountability of governments for war crimes and other serious misdeeds.

As an aid to those who wish to acquaint or reacquaint themselves with the facts of the case, a collection of news and analysis concerning the Assange extradition hearing is being assembled in two PDF documents. The first is now available at:

Barring medical or other impediments, the second part should be completed within the next few days; recipients of this e-mail will be notified at that time. (The web address is expected to be:  

This compilation of published material contains several hundred pages, and few may have enough time or ambition to wade through all of them. But anyone who reads only the relatively few “Selected Highlights” listed on page 1 should thereby acquire a basic knowledge of the main issues and events.

Questions and comments are welcome, and may be addressed to Al Burke via e-mail at

Al Burke
076 - 392 19 20