National Action Day – 3rd July 2022

Calling for participants in a National Day of Action for 3rd July

Be it a Vigil, a rally, a stall, a humble gathering sharing birthday cake.
It’s Julian’s fourth birthday in Belmarsh Prison ( aka ‘Hellmarsh‘ or Britain’s Guantanamo) with the previous seven years effectively isolated in the Ecuador embassy.

Australia is now in the Global spotlight. More and more influential members of our community are speaking out. A storm is gathering. Main stream media is beginning to report on this case .
Those speaking out are calling out for our voices, the voices of the many, to back them up. Asking us to provide an indisputable substance so when they talk on our behalf their unraised voice carries far.

Malls Balls
Rundle Mall
11 am
web, facebook

Bunyapa Park 
Cnr, Vulture & Thomas St (West End)
2 pm -4 pm
web, facebook

Commonwealth Place
Queen Elizabeth Terrace
11 am – 2pm
web, facebook

Parliament lawns
Salamanca Pl, Hobart
11am – 12 pm
Speakers: Greg Barns, Christine Milne and Senator Nick McKim
web, facebook

State Library
Swanston Street, Melbourne
11 am -1 pm
web, facebook

3:45 pm – 4:45 pm
King’s Park side of ‘Sail bridge’ crossing the freeway
near the Cafe at the bottom of the hill
40 Mount St, West Perth
web, facebook

Sydney Town Hall Steps
George Street, Sydney
Live Music: Billy Field, Lady Cool and Jasmine Beth
2 pm – 4 pm
web, facebook